Stress Against the Rest

It has been a while since I have written only because this blog was for school last year. I was thinking about how stressful school is and then I saw on twitter someone had written on a blog they just got for the class I took last year. What I read was amazing. Thinking upon the class last year I remember blogging a lot and how it has destressed me. So for now on I will be writing on this blog. No matter who or what reads this. This blog is going to be for me. So stay true to your self and don’t stress the little things.


My Ted Talk Reflection

It’s been a long time since I have done a blog post. I have just been so busy with trying get my Ted Talk prepared. It takes a lot to put together a event because you have to make sure everything is basically perfect. I can truly say from experience trying to get everything put together and set up that it was a bit overwhelming. I can say that I was a little bit nervous doing my Ted Talk but then I just got over it. I know that my dance was great because everyone loved it so much. All in all I think I did a very good job trying my best to tell my passion for everyone. Hopefully everyone will watch my YouTube video once I put it up. 

End of Year

We are getting to the end of the year. Stress is inclining because finals are near. For surely I am starting to stress about them. I also have an AP test this year as well. I don’t know what is going to happen. I want to get a five on the AP test but I really can’t test well so I might get a four or even a three. I really wish I tested and always got a 100% on every test. But it is so hard for me to do that. I always feel anxious taking test. I want to finish with time left over in class so I don’t have to take extra time with the test. Also just knowing that I can sleep after is the best gift of all because then I can catch up on what I lost. Also I have to say is testing is terrible and we won’t have to do this later on in life so what do it now. What kind of world are we living in today? 


Time Flys

I wanted to just say I can’t believe this year has gone by so fast. I hate how the year is almost to the end but I am happy that I know there is something new coming this next year. I hate how there has to be new things ahead but no one can change it. I know that my life won’t stop at any moment even if it might be happy. I just want to take a breathe and just relax for just 10 years without my life flashing by so fast. Sometimes I feel like life should just hurry up and be over but I really want it to stop. I don’t know how others want to spend their life but mine for sure needs to stop for 10 years. What I truly think though is that I want to just reverse time just for now. I wish there was an answer for my troubles but until then life will keep rolling. Well life what else do you have for me? I hope not much more. 


Dancing is a great way to get out stress and anxiety for me. I love how I can go to dance and not have to worry about the world. Once the music starts I can’t stop dancing. I love dancing in the school, at home, and of course dancing in the rain. I love Tuesday’s the most because I get to put on my pointe shoes. I love warming up in them and getting my blisters on my feet because I know that I have worked hard that day. I adore others following in my footsteps and trying to be as good as me. I love speaking the language of dance with all of my teachers. For example, “What about that step from snow when you go down on one knee.” I love how I can be who I am in my dance studio and dance freely. 


Blog #7 and Blog #8 First They Killed My Father

When Loung finally comes back together with her brothers of the family she becomes safe and relaxed. I would feel the same way because they are the strong ones of the family, and they won’t let anything hurt their family. Also I don’t think that the soldiers should have been executed because they did the action but they were told to unless they wanted to die. I would personally not join in the execution because if they didn’t kill the people then the leaders would kill the soldiers. 

Blog #6 First They Killed My Father

In my personal view I think that the Ung Family has several qualities that help them survive. The qualities are that they have courage. Also they have the qualities of optimism, and faith because they are religious. They also have perseverance which they always kepted pushing through even if a family member died. They also have the quality of impeding all the hatred of the soldiers out of mind. They also have the quality of motivating themselves to working hard each day. They also have the abilities to out smart the soldiers by becoming a different type of a family. They are also hopeful for what the future will hold. Lastly they have the qualities of staying strong and never giving up on their hopes.

Blog #6 First They Killed My Father

If I knew I was going to die and could see my family one last time I would tell them I loved them. I would also tell them that they need to sell all of my stuff for money for my funeral. I would give them so many hugs before I left. I would not have any regrets because I will also tell them all of my secrets before I left as well. In Keav’s death I felt he didn’t die the right way he should have died alittle older. Pa’s exit was terrible to me I almost cried. I felt he could have said more about him leaving. He should not just be leaving his family all alone. The quote wil the joy of beauty was gone is described as say that she is dying but slowly but slowly. Also Pa straightening his should also described how he still had his pride all throughout the story. 

Eating as a Vegan

This week has gone by so fast. I wanted to let everyone be aware that this week I went vegan. I wanted to try doing this to see a new perspective. It was very interesting just being vegan and not eating anything doing with animal products. I wanted to say it was difficult doing this. I wanted to eat so many things with dairy but I knew I had to stay strong. I wanted to try to do this to open up my eyes on new experiences. I will be done in a couple day but I am still going strong. I feel like I could still open up and be open to new ideas. So today I am saying I will try something new each month from food to jumping out of a plane. Try something new and have fun.


Blog #4 First They Killed My Father

For New Year’s Day, my family and I love to spend the day together and cook. We love to smell the aromas of the collards steaming in the pot on the stove. We also like to make the mac-n-cheese in the crockpot with loads of cheese. We like to play board games such as Monopoly, The Game of Life, Headband, and etc. We eat the same thing on New Year’s Day every year with is collards, black eyed peas, mac-n-cheese, and ribs. They resemble money, luck, happiness, and strength for the new year coming. We love to dress comfortable to start the new year with feeling great about our selves. New Year’s has always been my favorite holiday tradition.